returns the element at given index
returns a reference to the function that created the instance's
copies array elements to another position in an array
returns an Array Iterator object that contains the key/value
pairs for each index in the array
determines whether every element in the array passes the test
implemented by the provided function
fills specified elements in an array with a static value
returns a new array filtered down to just the elements that pass
a test provided by a function
returns the value of the first element that passes test from
provided function
returns the index (position) of the first element that passes
test from provided function
return the value of the last element that passes test from
provided function
returns the index (position) of the first element from end of
array that passes test from provided function
creates a new array with all sub-array elements concatenated
into it recursively up to the specified depth
maps each element in an array using a mapping function and
flattens the result into a new array
calls a function for each element in an array
returns a new array from any array-like or iterable object
determines if an element exists in an array
returns the first index at which a given element can be found in
the array
determines whether the passed value is an array
returns a new string by concatenating all of the elements in the
array, separated by commas or a specified separator string
returns an Array Iterator object that contains the keys for each
index in the array
returns the last index at which a given element can be found in
the array
property sets or returns the number of elements in an array
returns a new array populated with the results of calling a
provided function on every element in the calling array
creates a new Array instance from a variable number of
arguments, regardless of number or type of the arguments
removes the last element from an array and returns that removed
adds new elements to the end of an array
executes a reducer function on each element in the array and
returns a single value
executes a reducer function on each element in the array (from
right-to-left) to reduce it to a single value
reverses the order of the elements in an array
removes the first element from an array and returns that removed
returns a shallow copy of a portion of the array based on the
start and end index passed
detemine if the provided function returns true for one of the
array elements
sorts the elements of an array
changes the contents of an array by removing or replacing
existing elements and/or adding new elements
returns a string representing the elements of the array; the
elements are converted to strings using their toLocaleString
returns a new array with the elements in reversed order
returns a new array with the elements of an array sorted
returns a new array with some elements removed and/or replaced
at a given index
returns a string representing the specified array and its
adds new elements to the beginning of an array
returns the primitive value of the object
returns an Array Iterator object that contains the value for
each element in the array
updates elements in an array without altering the original array
copies properties from one or more source objects to a target
returns a reference to the function that created the instance's
creates a new object, using an existing object as the prototype
of the newly created object
defines new or modifies existing properties directly on an
object, returning the object
defines a new property directly on an object, or modifies an
existing property on an object, and returns the object
returns an array with the key-value pairs of an object
prevents any changes to an object
creates an object from a list of key/value pairs
returns an object describing the configuration of a specific
property on a given object
returns all own property descriptors of a given object
returns an array of all properties found directly in a given
returns an array of all symbol properties found directly upon a
given object
returns the prototype (value of the internal [[Prototype]]
property) of the specified object
groups elements of an object according to string values returned
from a callback function
determines if the specified object has the indicated property as
its own property
determines if the specified object has the indicated property as
its own property
determines whether two values are the same value
determines if an object is extensible
determines if an object is frozen
determines if this object exists in another object's prototype
determines if an object is sealed
returns an array with the keys of an object
prevents new properties from ever being added to an object
determines whether the specified property is this object's
enumerable own property
prevents additions or deletions of new properties
sets the prototype of a specified object to another object or
returns a string representing this object.
This method is meant to be overridden by derived objects for
locale-specific purposes
returns a string representing this object.
This method is meant to be overridden by derived objects for
custom type coercion logic
returns the primitive value of an object
returns an array with the values of an object
returns the character at a specified index (position) in a
returns the character at specified index (position) in a string
returns the UTF-16 code unit of the character at a specified
index in a string
returns the Unicode code point of character at a specified index
in a string
appends one or more strings to another string
determines whether a string ends with a specified string
returns a string created from a sequence of UTF-16 code unit
returns a string created from the specified sequence of code
determines if a string includes a specified value
returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in a string
returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in a string
returns the length of a string
returns a number indicating whether a
reference string
comes before or after or is the same as the given string in sort
match a string against a regular expression
returns an iterator of results after matching a string against a
regular expression
returns the Unicode Normalization Form of the string
pads end of string until it reaches a given length
pads start of string until it reaches a given length
returns the raw string form of a template literal
returns a new string containing the specified number of copies
of given string
replaces the first occurrence of a substring in a string
replaces ALL occurrences of a substring in a string
executes a search for a match between a regular expression and
specified string, returning the index of the first match
returns the extracted part of a string into a new string
splits a string into an array of substrings
determines if a string starts with a specified string
extracts a part of a string
returns part of the string from the start index up to and
excluding the end index, or to the end of the string if no end
index is supplied
converts a string to lower case letters, using current locale
converts a string to upper case letters, using current locale
returns string converted to lower case
returns a string representing an object
returns string converted to upper case
removes whitespace from both ends of a string
removes whitespace from the end of string
removes whitespace from the start of string
returns the primitive value of a string